Kashmiris Facing Repression for Rejecting BJP in Managed Parliamentary Elections
May 27, 2024Members of Kashmir’s civil society have voiced serious concerns regarding the escalating harassment and oppression by Indian forces in the region. These actions have intensified around the time of the Indian parliamentary elections in Indian- illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, leading to significant unrest and fear among the local population.
In a joint statement issued to the media, prominent civil society figures including Dr. Zubair Ahmed, Muhammad Furhan, Muhammad Iqbal Shaheen, and Syed Haider Hussain, condemned the Modi regime’s aggressive tactics. They highlighted that these measures are part of a broader strategy to target the Kashmiri people, particularly for their resistance against the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) attempts to establish a foothold in the region.
The statement questioned the legitimacy of holding elections under such oppressive conditions. The civil society members pointed out that the heavy deployment of troops, coupled with the use of drones and helicopters, has transformed the occupied territory into a virtual war zone. This militarization bluntly contrasts with the democratic process, raising doubts about the fairness and freedom of any electoral exercise conducted under these circumstances.
Central to their concerns is the enduring demand of Kashmiris for freedom from what they term as India’s illegal occupation. The civil society members reiterated their call for the restoration of rights that were stripped away when the Indian government revoked Articles 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution in August 2019. These articles had previously granted special autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir, including specific rights and privileges to its residents.
The revocation of these articles has been a significant flashpoint, exacerbating tensions in the region. The civil society leaders argue that the removal of these constitutional provisions was an affront to the rights and identity of the Kashmiri people. They stressed that the community remains united in their struggle for the reinstatement of these rights and the overall demand for self-determination.
The ongoing cordon and search operations, along with frequent raids, have only heightened the sense of siege and vulnerability among the Kashmiri population. Reports of harassment and arbitrary detentions have been commonplace, adding to the civilian distress. The civil society’s call for an end to these repressive measures is a plea for a return to normalcy and respect for human rights in the region.
Furthermore, the civil society members urged the international community to take notice of the severe human rights violations occurring in Jammu and Kashmir. They appealed for global intervention to pressure the Indian government into ceasing its oppressive tactics and engaging in meaningful dialogue to resolve the longstanding conflict.
To conclude, the statements from Kashmir’s civil society underscore the dire situation in the region, marked by severe restrictions and a militarized atmosphere. The call for genuine freedom and restoration of rights is a reflection of the long desire for justice and autonomy among the Kashmiri people. The international community’s support and intervention are deemed crucial in addressing these grievances and working towards a peaceful resolution.