IIOJK: The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison Amid Severe Human Rights Violations

IIOJK: The World’s Largest Open-Air Prison Amid Severe Human Rights Violations

May 27, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Political experts and observers in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) have decried the region’s transformation into what they describe as the world’s largest open-air prison. They argue that the severe militarization and systemic suppression of political and social rights have left the Kashmiri people in a state of perpetual distress and despair.

In interviews and statements from Srinagar, these experts highlighted the presence of over one million Indian security personnel, including the army, Border Security Force (BSF), paramilitary, and police. This heavy deployment has rendered daily life for the Kashmiri people extraordinarily difficult, as they face constant cordon and search operations, house raids, and the arrest of youth on dubious charges. These actions have contributed to widespread mental torture and misery among the population.

Observers emphasize that IIOJK has become the most militarized zone on the planet, where basic human rights, including the right to life, are routinely violated. They lament the frequent killings, torture, and arrests carried out by Indian troops, which add to the already dire situation. A political expert in Srinagar, speaking anonymously to avoid reprisal, pointed out that international human rights organizations have warned of potential genocide in the region.

The long history of conflict in Kashmir, particularly since January 1989, has resulted in the deaths of over 96,000 Kashmiris up to May of this year. The Hindutva-driven Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regime, according to these experts, has intensified brutalities, creating a situation with few parallels in recent human history. The oppressed Kashmiri people, they assert, are in desperate need of international intervention to address their plight.

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has also expressed deep concern over the continued victimization of its leaders and activists by the BJP-led Indian government. The APHC claims that these actions are attempts to crush the Kashmiri struggle for freedom and force the Hurriyat camp to abandon their cause. APHC spokesman Adv Abdul Rashid Minhas noted that leaders, activists, and youth who remain incarcerated in Indian and IIOJK jails are being punished for their unwavering stance on the Kashmir issue.

Minhas called on the global community to recognize that the BJP is using Kashmiri leaders as pawns to further its communal agenda. The targeting of Hurriyat leaders, he argues, is part of a broader strategy to suppress the legitimate aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

The Kashmir conflict continues to be a flashpoint of human rights concerns, with the local population enduring immense hardships under what many describe as an occupation. The international community’s role is seen as crucial in addressing these human rights violations and in supporting the Kashmiris’ call for self-determination. The ongoing repression, marked by extensive militarization and the stripping of political and social rights, underscores the urgent need for global attention and action to alleviate the suffering of the Kashmiri people and to find a just resolution to the conflict.