Zero Tolerance for Blasphemous Remarks against the Prophet of Islam: Musarat Alam Butt

Zero Tolerance for Blasphemous Remarks against the Prophet of Islam: Musarat Alam Butt

December 1, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

In a message from the infamous Tihar Jail in New Delhi, the illegally detained Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC), Masarat Alam Butt, has voiced strong condemnation against a Hindu student who allegedly posted a blasphemous video about the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). Butt asserted that Muslims cannot tolerate any derogatory remarks against the Prophet, emphasizing that the reverence for Khatamun Nabiyeen surpasses even their own lives.

According to reports, the Hindu student in question is studying at the National Institute of Technology in Srinagar. Butt claims that the blasphemous video has deeply hurt the sentiments of the entire Muslim Ummah. He perceives this act as a deliberate attempt by Hindutva followers to undermine the harmonious relations between Hindus and Muslims in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

Butt goes on to accuse the extremist BJP government of not only operating in India but also perpetuating its Hindutva agenda in the disputed territory. He argues that the act of the Hindu student is part of a systemic effort to damage the communal fabric in the region. The APHC Chairman calls for strict punishment for the student, asserting that any attempt to injure Muslim sentiments regarding Islam and the Prophet is perilous.

Expressing his concerns over the escalating atrocities committed by the Indian Army in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Butt highlights the criminal silence of the international community. He accuses India of waging a war against the innocent people of Kashmir, intensifying its human rights violations after the revocation of the region’s special status on August 5, 2019.

Masarat Alam Butt appeals to international human rights organizations to raise their voices against the ongoing Indian atrocities in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He calls for a resolution of the longstanding Kashmir dispute in accordance with United Nations resolutions and the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

The APHC Chairman’s statement underscores the complex intersection of religious tensions and political agendas in the region. It reflects the broader concern over the impact of Hindutva extremism on the delicate socio-religious balance in Jammu and Kashmir. Additionally, Butt’s appeal for international intervention emphasizes the urgency of addressing human rights violations and finding a diplomatic solution to the protracted Kashmir conflict. The situation remains highly sensitive, demanding a thoughtful and measured response from the global community to prevent further escalation of tensions in the region.