IIOJK Observes Complete Shutdown Today

IIOJK Observes Complete Shutdown Today

December 1, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

A comprehensive shutdown is underway in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) today, fueled by widespread outrage over a blasphemous video targeting Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). The inflammatory video, shared by an Indian student enrolled in a Srinagar institute, has triggered a vehement response, with various groups joining forces to denounce the disrespectful act.

The call for the shutdown emanates from the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and is reinforced by the backing of the United (Muttahida) Jihad Council. The protest extends beyond the blasphemous incident, encompassing broader grievances such as arbitrary arrests, the application of draconian laws on seven Kashmiri students, the dismissal of government employees in Kashmir, and the confiscation of properties belonging to the local population.

The APHC, in an official statement, has urged the people of the occupied territory to stage protest demonstrations following Friday prayers in their respective mosques. This mobilization reflects the collective discontent and frustration brewing within the Kashmiri community in response to various injustices.

The recent turmoil was set in motion when students at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Hazratbal, Srinagar, staged a massive demonstration earlier this week. The catalyst for their protest was the dissemination of a derogatory video clip about the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by an Indian student within the institute. The incident underscores the volatile environment in the region, with religious sentiments becoming a flashpoint for unrest.

Adding to the discontent, the Indian police took stringent measures on Monday by invoking the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) against seven students from the Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology in Ganderbal district. Their alleged offense: celebrating Australia’s victory against India in the World Cup final. This move has further heightened tensions, as it signals a crackdown on dissent under the guise of security measures.

Simultaneously, the authorities in the occupied territory are intensifying their crackdown by terminating government employees with ties to the ongoing freedom movement. Additionally, there are reports of property confiscations as punitive measures against those perceived as supporting the struggle for independence. These actions, rather than quelling dissent, seem to be exacerbating the grievances of the local population.

As the shutdown unfolds, it serves as a visible manifestation of the deep-rooted discontent within IIOJK. The convergence of various issues, ranging from religious sensitivities to human rights violations, underscores the complex and multifaceted nature of the challenges faced by the Kashmiri people. The situation calls for a nuanced and comprehensive approach that addresses the grievances while fostering dialogue and understanding to pave the way for a more stable and inclusive future in the region.