Tribute to Syed Ali Shah Gillani on His 3rd Martyrdom Day: A Rally for Continuous Jihad
September 2, 2024On the third anniversary of Syed Ali Shah Gillani’s martyrdom, a protest rally was organized by Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir. The event, named “Continuous Jihad,” aimed to honor the legacy of Gillani, a prominent Kashmiri Hurriyat leader and an emblematic figure in the struggle for Kashmiri self-determination.

A diverse assembly of participants from various social segments gathered to pay homage to Gillani. They chanted slogans inspired by his teachings and carried banners adorned with his photographs and notable quotes. The rally highlighted the enduring impact of Gillani’s leadership and his commitment to the cause of Kashmir’s freedom.

Speakers at the rally emphasized Gillani’s pivotal role as the founding leader of the Azadi Movement in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. His lifelong dedication to the freedom struggle and his relentless pursuit of the right to self-determination for the Kashmiri people were highlighted as cornerstones of his legacy.

Gillani’s efforts to spread the resistance movement across the remote areas of Kashmir and Jammu were acknowledged. His teachings emphasized respect for all religions within the occupied state, reinforcing his commitment to a peaceful and inclusive vision for Kashmir.
The rally also featured a call for international organizations, including the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), to address the Kashmir issue in alignment with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people, as outlined in UNSC resolutions.
The speakers detailed Gillani’s personal sacrifices, including 12 years of imprisonment and 11 years of house arrest, during which he remained steadfast in his commitment to the Kashmir Freedom Movement. His resilience in the face of adversity was portrayed as a testament to his unwavering dedication.
Gillani’s role in initiating a people’s revolution against Indian military occupation across cities and towns in Occupied Kashmir was celebrated. His ardent support for Jammu and Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan was also noted as a significant aspect of his political stance.
Following Gillani’s martyrdom, the region experienced increased restrictions on travel and internet access. An FIR was filed against his family members for draping his body in a Pakistani flag and raising slogans in favor of Kashmir’s freedom, highlighting ongoing tensions and the contentious nature of his legacy.
The protestors at the rally urged the UNSC and other international bodies to actively engage in resolving the Kashmir issue according to the wishes and aspirations of its people. The demand for international intervention underscored the ongoing struggle and the need for a resolution that reflects the sentiments of the Kashmiri populace.
The rally was led by prominent figures from Pasban-e-Hurriyat, including Chairman Uzair Ahmed Ghazali and other notable leaders such as Shaukat Javed Mir, Raja Aftab Ahmad Khan, and Syed Asif Gillani. Their leadership and participation underscored the importance of continuing Gillani’s legacy and advocating for the Kashmiri cause.
The rally commemorating Syed Ali Shah Gillani’s third martyrdom anniversary served as a powerful reminder of his enduring influence and the ongoing struggle for Kashmiri self-determination. Through collective remembrance and calls for international intervention, the event reaffirmed the commitment to Gillani’s vision of freedom and justice for the Kashmiri people.