The Report exposed Modi’s multifaceted attacks on IIOJK

The Report exposed Modi’s multifaceted attacks on IIOJK

April 23, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Since August 5, 2019, the Modi-led Indian regime has unleashed a series of unlawful actions targeting Muslims in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. A recent report delves into the multifaceted assault on the region, exposing a troubling pattern in its tumultuous history.

The report sheds light on New Delhi’s systematic strategies, spanning political, cultural, and religious spheres, all aimed at undermining the rights and identity of Kashmiri Muslims. From administrative maneuvers to demographic shifts and electoral tactics, each policy appears designed to disempower and disenfranchise the local populace, particularly the Muslim community.

By drawing parallels with the Israeli occupation of Palestine, the report argues that Modi’s regime is employing a similar model of occupation and colonization in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Of particular concern are the new land laws facilitating the seizure of local land and its transfer to outsiders, intensifying tensions in the region.

Despite intensified repression, the report warns that Modi’s coercive tactics will only strengthen the resolve of Kashmiri Muslims in their resistance against occupation. The ramifications of the abrogation of Article 370 and subsequent actions by India, as outlined in the report, have far-reaching effects, exacerbating the already volatile situation in IIOJK.

This report serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing oppression faced by Kashmiri Muslims under the Modi regime, urging global attention and action to address these egregious violations of human rights and international law.