DFP Condemns Continued Detention and Harassment under Indian Occupation

DFP Condemns Continued Detention and Harassment under Indian Occupation

April 23, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has voiced its deep concern over the persistent detention of Kashmiri leaders, human rights defenders, and journalists by India’s Hindutva regime in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. According to reports, Advocate Arshad Iqbal, a spokesman for the DFP, issued a statement in Srinagar urging the international community to intervene and help resolve the longstanding Kashmir dispute. He also called upon international human rights organizations to take note of the ongoing human rights violations in the region.

Iqbal emphasized that Indian troops, operating under draconian laws, have unleashed a reign of terror in occupied Kashmir. He highlighted instances of harassment and humiliation of innocent civilians during cordon and search operations conducted by Indian forces. Additionally, he denounced the coercion tactics employed by Indian secret agencies to compel Kashmiri people to support the BJP government in the Lok Sabha elections. Iqbal further lamented the intimidation tactics used against the families of Hurriyat leaders, including the attachment of their houses and properties by occupation authorities.

Despite these oppressive measures, Iqbal asserted that such tactics would not deter Kashmiri resistance leaders from pursuing their cause for freedom. He underscored the unparalleled sacrifices made by the Kashmiri people in their struggle for freedom and reiterated their unwavering commitment to resist Indian occupation.

The statement by the DFP spokesman serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing hardships endured by Kashmiri civilians under Indian rule and calls for concerted international action to address the human rights violations in the region. It highlights the urgent need for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Kashmir and work towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.