Signature campaign launched for freedom of Junagarh from illegal occupation of India
November 29, 2021A signature campaign has been launched to sensitize world against the forcible occupation of Junagarh by India in 1947, whose state council led by last Babi dynasty ruler, Muhammad Mahabat Khanji III, merged Junagarh into the newly formed Pakistan after the partition of the Sub Continent.
The signature campaign which started on 25 November 2021 is aimed at shaking the UN and international bodies and forums.
The report mentioned that Junagadh State was the first violation of Pakistani territory by India. Junagadh issue is one of the oldest outstanding agendas on the United Nations which needs immediate resolution. India, the report added, is not a country but a region where different nations live and they all have the right to freedom.
The campaign will continue to highlight the Junagarh’s illegal occupation by India till 10 December. The signature campaign will help keep the issue of Junagarh alive at the world level.
As per international law, Junagarh is an integral part of Pakistan and Indian occupation of the state is a naked act of aggression. The signature campaign is meant to sensitize the world for early and immediate solution of the issue in line with the accession of Junagarh to Pakistan, one of Quaid-e-Azam Muhmmad Ali Jinnah’s cherished dreams.
Junagarh state council had signed instrument of accession with Quaid-e-Azam on 15 September 1947.