Rahul Gandhi Denounces Modi’s Government and Questions Electoral Integrity

Rahul Gandhi Denounces Modi’s Government and Questions Electoral Integrity

September 11, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Rahul Gandhi, Congress leader and Leader of the Opposition in the Lok Sabha, has criticized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government, claiming that the political environment of 2014, which facilitated Modi’s rise to power, has drastically changed by 2024.

In a recent address to students at Georgetown University, Gandhi expressed skepticism about Modi’s ambition to secure over 400 seats in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. He argued that even achieving 240 seats under Modi’s leadership would be challenging due to the flawed nature of his political strategy. Gandhi stressed that their political struggle is rooted in opposition to Modi’s ideology, rather than simply electoral competition.

Gandhi pointed out that the political forces that supported Modi’s rise in 2014 have become obsolete. He raised concerns about the fairness and transparency of the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, suggesting that they are highly manipulated. According to Gandhi, the Modi government has exerted excessive control over institutions, including the media, educational system, and investigative agencies.

He criticized the Election Commission of India for allegedly structuring the electoral campaign to benefit Modi, allowing him to push his agenda with tailored strategies for various states. This, he argued, undermines the integrity of the democratic process.

Gandhi also noted the fracturing of the coalition that originally supported Modi, which has contributed to a perception that his government is losing effectiveness. He condemned the use of caste-based political tactics, asserting that such divisions threaten India’s constitutional framework and destabilize the nation.

During an interaction with the Indian community in Virginia, Gandhi framed the current struggle in India as one for religious freedom and regional identity rather than mere political rivalry. He criticized the RSS for its role in undermining diversity and promoting hierarchical distinctions among states, languages, religions, and communities. Gandhi accused the RSS of asserting the superiority of some groups over others.

Concluding his remarks, Gandhi questioned whether India would remain a place where individuals can freely express their beliefs and identities or whether it would become a nation where a select few dictate terms. His comments reflect a broader critique of the current political climate and governance under Modi’s leadership.