Property Confiscation Continues in IIOJK: Intensifying Suppression of Kashmiri Self-Determination

Property Confiscation Continues in IIOJK: Intensifying Suppression of Kashmiri Self-Determination

June 27, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

In continuation of its strategy of seizing land and properties under various pretexts, Indian police authorities have attached the land of five more individuals in the Baramulla district of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

In the latest move, nine kanals of land belonging to Bashir Ahmed Ganie, Mehraj ud din Lone, Ghulam Mohammad Yatoo, Abdul Rehman Bhat, and Abdul Rashid Lone have been attached. These properties are located in the Tilgam, Khargam, and Satreseeran areas of Baramulla district.

According to the police, the attachment was carried out following a court order from Baramulla. However, many view this action as part of a broader strategy by the Indian government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi to suppress the Kashmiris’ demand for self-determination, a right guaranteed by the United Nations.

These land seizures are seen as a tactic to intimidate and subdue the people of IIOJK, who continue to remain resolute in their struggle for justice. The attachment of land and properties disrupts the livelihoods of the local population, adding to their hardships and aiming to weaken their resistance.

This pattern of property seizures is not an isolated incident but part of a systematic approach to undermine the socio-economic foundation of the Kashmiri people. By targeting individual landowners, the authorities aim to create a climate of fear and uncertainty, discouraging collective efforts toward self-determination.

The international community has been urged to take note of these actions and to support the Kashmiri people in their pursuit of justice and self-determination. The ongoing land attachments highlight the urgent need for global attention to the human rights situation in Jammu and Kashmir.

To conclude, the attachment of land in the Baramulla district is indicative of a broader effort to suppress the Kashmiri struggle for self-determination. Such actions not only violate the rights of the individuals involved but also aim to destabilize the region and undermine the collective will of its people. The resilience of the Kashmiri people in the face of these challenges continues to be a testament to their enduring quest for justice and self-determination.