Omar Abdullah Warns of Potential Attack over Azad Jammu & Kashmir if Modi is Re-elected

Omar Abdullah Warns of Potential Attack over Azad Jammu & Kashmir if Modi is Re-elected

May 21, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

National Conference (NC) vice president Omar Abdullah has issued a plain warning about the potential for increased conflict in the region if Narendra Modi is re-elected as Prime Minister of India. In an exclusive media interview, Abdullah expressed deep concerns about the future of Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) under the continued rule of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Abdullah highlighted the likelihood of heightened tensions and possible military action regarding Azad Kashmir. He referenced statements from senior BJP officials suggesting that within six months of Modi’s re-election, there would be moves to “erase Pakistan’s control” over Azad Kashmir. This aggressive stance, according to Abdullah, could escalate into open conflict with Pakistan.

“I expect no relief for the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir if the BJP returns to power,” Abdullah remarked. He criticized the BJP’s past actions and its future plans, indicating that nothing positive would emerge for J&K from another term of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA). He pointed to the BJP’s discussions about dismembering and rewriting the Indian Constitution, which he believes would drastically alter the country’s framework and governance.

Abdullah’s comments reflect broader concerns about the BJP’s approach to governance and its impact on regional stability. He criticized the BJP’s reliance on religious polarization and anti-Pakistan rhetoric to bolster their electoral performance. This strategy, Abdullah argues, only serves to deepen divisions and provoke hostility both within India and with its neighbours.

Abdullah’s critique extended to the broader implications of the BJP’s rule, suggesting that the party’s approach has been detrimental to the democratic fabric of India. He highlighted the necessity of a political shift to ensure the preservation of constitutional values and regional autonomy.

To conclude, Omar Abdullah’s warning about the potential for conflict over Azad Kashmir highlights the precarious state of regional politics if the BJP retains power. His concerns about the future of J&K under Modi’s leadership reflect a broader apprehension about the BJP’s divisive tactics and their impact on national and regional stability.