Modi Government’s Unprecedented Crackdown on Government Employees in IIOJK

Modi Government’s Unprecedented Crackdown on Government Employees in IIOJK

November 22, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

The Narendra Modi-led Indian government has once again drawn criticism for its persistent victimization of government employees in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) based on their alleged affiliation with the ongoing freedom movement.

According to reports from Kashmir Media Service, the Modi-installed puppet regime in the occupied territory recently terminated the employment of four individuals: Dr. Nissar-ul-Hassan, President of Doctors Association Kashmir; Salam Rathar, a laboratory bearer in the Higher Education department; Abdul Majeed Butt, a constable; and Farooq Ahmad Mir, a teacher. These individuals have been accused of participating in anti-India activities, a claim that has become a basis for their dismissals.

This latest move is part of an ongoing process that began in April 2021 when the administration established a special task force to investigate government employees. Additionally, a committee was formed to probe accusations of government employees’ involvement in pro-freedom and anti-India activities, recommending dismissals for those accused. The occupation authorities have so far dismissed hundreds of employees for their own or their relatives’ alleged affiliation with the freedom struggle.

The dismissals have intensified concerns about human rights violations in the region. Critics argue that these actions not only infringe upon the fundamental right to freedom of expression but also create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation among government workers. Questions have been raised about the fairness and transparency of the dismissal process, with calls for an impartial investigation into the allegations against the terminated employees.

The backdrop of the historical and political complexities in IIOJK adds further significance to these developments. The region has been a contentious area with a history marked by territorial disputes and political struggles. The ongoing freedom movement, reflective of the aspirations of the local population, has been a central theme in the quest for self-determination.

As the Modi government continues its tough stance against any perceived support for the freedom movement, the international community watches closely, urging a fair and just resolution to the issues in IIOJK and emphasizing the importance of respecting human rights and democratic principles.