Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day: A Historic Pledge

Kashmir’s Accession to Pakistan Day: A Historic Pledge

July 18, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Kashmiris globally will observe Accession to Pakistan Day on July 19. This day marks the historic decision to merge with Pakistan.

In 1947, Kashmiris resolved to join Pakistan even before the subcontinent’s partition. The All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference met on July 19, 1947, at Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan’s residence in Srinagar. They unanimously passed the resolution for Kashmir’s accession to Pakistan.

This resolution reflected Kashmiris’ sentiments and their geographical, cultural, and economic proximity to Pakistan. It highlighted their aspirations to protect their rights and align their future with Pakistan.

The decision came a month before Pakistan and India’s creation on August 14 and 15, 1947. Under the Partition Plan, princely states could choose to join either country. Kashmir’s choice was clear, driven by a desire to safeguard political, religious, and cultural rights from potential Hindu dominance.

Tomorrow, APHC AJK will hold a rally in Lahore to commemorate this significant day. Posters in Srinagar and other regions emphasize the day’s importance, stating that the sacrifices of Kashmiri martyrs will not be in vain.

The July 19, 1947, is a significant day for Kashmiris, underscoring their early decision to align with Pakistan. This decision, driven by religious, cultural, and economic factors, predated the formal partition of India and Pakistan.

The resolution by the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference illustrates a collective will to protect their identity and rights, fearing adverse conditions under Hindu rule. This historical context is crucial in understanding the ongoing plebiscite struggle in Jammu and Kashmir.

The planned rally and the appearance of posters demonstrate continued efforts to honor and remember this decision. They serve as reminders of the sacrifices made and the ongoing aspirations of the Kashmiri people.

Understanding the significance of Accession to Pakistan Day requires appreciating the historical context and the sentiments of the Kashmiri people. Their early decision to join Pakistan reflects deep-rooted connections and a desire to safeguard their rights and identity.

The resolution passed on July 19, 1947, by the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference was not just a political statement but a reflection of the collective will and aspirations of millions of Kashmiris. This decision, made before the formal partition, shows foresight and determination to align with a nation that shared their cultural, religious, and economic ethos.

The observance of this day through rallies and posters signifies that the historical struggle and sacrifices are still very much alive in the hearts of Kashmiris. It serves as a reminder of their continued commitment to the plebiscite struggle for Jammu and Kashmir’s complete merger with Pakistan.

The decision made in 1947 continues to resonate today, highlighting the unresolved nature of Kashmir’s status and the enduring desire of its people to determine their future. The commemoration of Accession to Pakistan Day is a testament to the persistent hope and unwavering resolve of the Kashmiri people.