Kashmiris Observe 77th Accession to Pakistan Day Amid Renewed Resolve

Kashmiris Observe 77th Accession to Pakistan Day Amid Renewed Resolve

July 19, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Today, Kashmiris on both sides of the Line of Control, observe Accession to Pakistan Day. This marks a renewed pledge to continue their struggle for freedom from Indian occupation and the complete merger of Jammu and Kashmir with Pakistan.

On July 19, 1947, Kashmir’s genuine representatives unanimously passed a resolution for the region’s accession to Pakistan. The resolution was adopted during a meeting of the All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference at Sardar Muhammad Ibrahim Khan’s residence in Srinagar. The decision was based on the religious, geographical, cultural, and economic ties with Pakistan and the aspirations of millions of Kashmiri Muslims.

The resolution came a month before the creation of Pakistan and India on August 14 and 15, 1947, respectively. Under the Partition Plan, Princely States could choose to join either country. The July 19 decision reflected the Kashmiri people’s desire to protect their political, religious, social, and economic rights by joining Pakistan, fearing oppression under Hindu-majority rule.

According to reports at least 450,000 Kashmiris have died in the struggle for freedom and accession to Pakistan over the past 77 years. Despite severe Indian state terrorism, Kashmiris’ love for Pakistan remains undiminished.

The reports detail that since January 1989, Indian forces have killed over 96,329 Kashmiris, including 7,344 in custody and fake encounters. At least 8,000 youths have disappeared in custody, over 11,264 women have been molested, and 110,518 homes, shops, and structures have been destroyed. Additionally, over 5,000 Kashmiris, including prominent leaders and activists, languish in Indian jails.

Despite these atrocities, Kashmiris remain steadfast in their demand for freedom. The historical resolution of July 19, 1947, thwarted the plans of Indian and British rulers against Muslims. Today’s observance conveys to the world that Kashmir and Pakistan are incomplete without each other. Kashmiris continue their struggle to realize the goal of accession to Pakistan, embodying the spirit of the 1947 resolution.