India’s War Crimes in IIOJK sparks Global Concern

India’s War Crimes in IIOJK sparks Global Concern

December 21, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

In the ongoing dispute over Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir, India stands accused of employing oppressive measures, including draconian laws, to suppress the Kashmiri people’s struggle for the right to self-determination. According to reports, Indian military, paramilitary, and police forces, empowered by laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), Disturbed Areas Act (DAA), Public Safety Act, and Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), are allegedly committing war crimes and, in fact, crimes against humanity, to quash the Kashmiri resistance.

The situation involves severe human rights violations, with Indian forces accused of engaging in extrajudicial executions, killings, arbitrary arrests, torture, and the molestation of women. These actions are allegedly carried out with impunity, creating an atmosphere of fear among the masses in occupied Kashmir. The Narendra Modi-led Indian government is specifically targeted for using these draconian laws to suppress political dissent in the region. Furthermore, it is claimed that thousands of Kashmiris are currently held in Indian prisons, with the Modi regime intentionally prolonging their illegal detention.

The international community is urged to take action in defense of Kashmiri rights, as human rights advocates worldwide are called upon to speak out against the alleged abuses. It is emphasized that international human rights organizations must exert pressure on India to repeal the draconian laws being utilized in the disputed region.

The use of such legislation to stifle dissent and suppress the Kashmiri people’s aspirations for self-determination raises concerns globally. The plea is for the champions of human rights across the world to stand up for the rights of the Kashmiri people and to insist on a repeal of the oppressive laws that are allegedly contributing to widespread human rights abuses in the region.