APHC Raises Alarm over BJP Causing Unrest in IIOJK

APHC Raises Alarm over BJP Causing Unrest in IIOJK

December 22, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

In a recent statement, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) voiced its deep concern regarding the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) alleged forceful implementation of a nefarious agenda to strip the people of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) of their fundamental rights. The APHC spokesperson, as reported, criticized what they perceive as India’s imperialistic and Hindutva-driven approach to quash legitimate and genuine demands of the people in the region.

The spokesperson denounced India’s habitual tendency to blame Pakistan for any pro-freedom activities in IIOJK, asserting that the Kashmiris’ struggle for the right to self-determination is an indigenous movement with no foreign backing. Despite emphasizing the intrinsic nature of the struggle, the spokesperson clarified that Pakistan, as a party to the dispute, extends political, moral, and diplomatic support to the cause of freedom.

Expressing doubt about the intentions of the BJP-led regime, the spokesperson raised concerns about the alleged induction of non-state subjects into the population of the Jammu region. This move, as per the APHC, is perceived as an attempt to pave the way for a BJP government and impose stringent colonial rule in the occupied territory.

The APHC spokesperson highlighted the severe deprivation faced by the Kashmiri people, encompassing political, social, religious, and other fundamental rights. This deprivation, particularly intensified after the abrogation of Article 370 in August 2019, has prompted the APHC to call for the intervention of the United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres. The spokesperson urged Guterres to address what they perceive as Indian aggression in IIOJK.

The scrapping of Article 370 marked a significant turning point, leading to increased tensions in the region. The APHC’s appeal to the United Nations underscores the gravity of the situation, with a plea for international intervention to curb what they view as a violation of basic human rights by the BJP-led government in IIOJK. As the geopolitical landscape in the region remains complex, the call for intervention highlights the urgency of addressing the simmering issues in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir to ensure the protection of the rights of its inhabitants.