India’s Refusal to Address the Kashmir Dispute Poses a Threat to Regional Peace: APHC Expresses Concerns

India’s Refusal to Address the Kashmir Dispute Poses a Threat to Regional Peace: APHC Expresses Concerns

March 11, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

In a recent statement, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has raised serious concerns about India’s refusal to address the longstanding Kashmir dispute, asserting that it not only endangers the political and legal rights of the people in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir region but also jeopardizes the peace of the entire South Asian region.

According to APHC Spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas, Jammu and Kashmir is internationally recognized as a disputed territory, and its fate should be determined through a plebiscite supervised by the international community, as emphasized by the Kashmiri people. The statement condemns India’s use of force to suppress the legitimate struggle for self-determination and highlights the resilience of Kashmiris in their ongoing struggle against Indian occupation.

Minhas firmly rejects India’s attempts to quell the Kashmiri yearning for freedom through brutal tactics. He criticizes the belligerent rhetoric of Indian leaders, particularly the baseless allegations made by Hindutva BJP leaders against Kashmiri demands for freedom, citing them as a direct threat to regional stability.

Puppet BJP’s Manoj Sinha’s claims of political peace initiatives are dismissed by Minhas as mere political theatrics that cannot alter historical facts or the disputed status of Kashmir. He warns against inflammatory remarks from Indian military and Hindutva leaders, stressing that such statements only escalate tensions in the region rather than contributing to a peaceful resolution.

The APHC spokesman underscores India’s responsibility to address the Kashmir dispute in line with the wishes of the Kashmiri people and relevant UN resolutions. He condemns the undemocratic measures taken by the Modi-led government, labelling them as fascist and emphasizing that lasting peace in South Asia hinges on a just resolution of the Kashmir issue.

Furthermore, the statement highlights Kashmiris’ determination to thwart the divisive agenda of Hindutva BJP-RSS in the illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir region. The spokesman urges the international community to exert pressure on India to engage in meaningful dialogue and address the Kashmir dispute according to the aspirations of the Kashmiri people and the resolutions set forth by the United Nations.

As tensions persist in the region, the APHC’s statement serves as a poignant reminder of the urgent need for diplomatic efforts and international intervention to foster a just and lasting resolution to the Kashmir dispute, ensuring the political and legal rights of the affected population and maintaining peace in the South Asian region.