IIOJK face Severe Restrictions on India’s Independence Day

IIOJK face Severe Restrictions on India’s Independence Day

August 15, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

As India celebrates Independence Day, the situation in Indian-illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir highlights a stark irony. The local population in IIOJK is barred from observing the day as Black Day to protest India’s ongoing occupation.

Indian troops, paramilitary forces, and police are heavily deployed throughout the region. A multi-layered security system, including helicopters and drones, ensures the smooth conduct of India’s Independence Day festivities in Kashmir.

The Indian army and paramilitary forces are conducting extensive area domination exercises around Lal Chowk and Bakshi Stadium in Srinagar. These locations are central to the Independence Day celebrations. Security personnel are stopping and frisking vehicles and pedestrians.

Kashmiri leaders and organizations, including the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, have condemned India’s actions. Leaders such as Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Maulana Musab Nadvi, Fayaz Hussain Jafri, and Sibte Shabbir Qummi accuse India of hypocrisy. They argue that while India celebrates its freedom, it denies the same to Kashmiris.

These leaders highlight the brutal history of the conflict, noting that over 500,000 Kashmiris have died over the past 78 years. They question the morality of India’s Independence Day celebrations amidst such oppression.

Posters across Kashmir declare, “India invaded Jammu and occupied Kashmir forcibly against the will of the Kashmiri people.” They further state, “India’s freedom is based on our slavery. We will not celebrate India’s Independence Day.”

Kashmiris have long sought the right to self-determination, a promise made by the United Nations. Yet, India continues to ignore these demands, maintaining its rule through military force.

The situation in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir during India’s Independence Day serves as a powerful symbol of the ongoing struggle for freedom and self-determination. The juxtaposition of India’s celebrations with the harsh realities faced by Kashmiris underscores the complex and unresolved nature of the conflict.