Deteriorating Health of Illegally Detained Kashmiris Leaders in Jails

Deteriorating Health of Illegally Detained Kashmiris Leaders in Jails

June 30, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

A Hurriyat leader has voiced serious concerns over the deteriorating health conditions of illegally detained Kashmiris and called for their immediate release. During a party meeting in Jammu, Muhammad Aqib highlighted the alarming situation of political prisoners in various jails across Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Aqib criticized jail authorities for neglecting the health of political prisoners, many of whom suffer from multiple ailments. He emphasized that basic medical treatment is not being provided, and the worsening health conditions of these prisoners are being deliberately ignored.

The Hurriyat leader expressed grave concern over the plight of Hurriyat leaders and activists who remain incarcerated in both Indian jails and within the occupied territory. He urged human rights organizations to take immediate notice of the detainees’ suffering and to play a proactive role in securing their early release.

“This neglect is not just a violation of human rights but also a deliberate attempt to break the spirit of those who fight for Kashmir’s freedom,” Aqib stated. He called on international human rights bodies to intervene and ensure that the political prisoners receive the necessary medical care and are released promptly.

The condition of political prisoners in IIOJK has been a longstanding issue, with numerous reports of neglect and abuse. The call for their release is a plea for justice and humanitarian action. The international community’s response to this call could significantly impact the lives of those unjustly imprisoned and suffering from neglect.

To conclude, the Hurriyat leader’s call for the release of detained Kashmiris amid serious health concerns is a critical reminder of the ongoing human rights violations in IIOJK. The international community’s intervention is crucial to ensuring that these political prisoners receive the care they need and are granted their freedom.