Posters appear in IIOJK demanding implementation of UN Resolution of Jan 5, 1949

Posters appear in IIOJK demanding implementation of UN Resolution of Jan 5, 1949

January 3, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Posters recently surfaced in Srinagar and other areas of the Kashmir valley in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, conveying a poignant appeal to the United Nations (UN) for the resolution of the longstanding Kashmir dispute. The posters, disseminated by pro-freedom organizations, underscored the urgency for the international community to address the denial of the Kashmiris’ right to self-determination, a right recognized by the UN Security Council through its resolution of January 5, 1949.

The posters specifically pointed to the actions of the Narendra Modi-led Indian government, allegedly backed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). According to the posters, the Modi administration has not only deprived Kashmiris of their basic rights but has also been implicated in the confiscation of their properties, lands, houses, shops, and offices through the implementation of draconian laws. The activists argued that such actions, carried out under the guise of the Hindutva agenda promoted by the RSS, constitute a blatant violation of international laws within the UN-acknowledged disputed territory.

The message on the posters starkly accused India of treating Kashmiris as slaves, devoid of fundamental rights. The activists sought to remind the UN of its responsibility to enforce the resolutions pertaining to the Kashmir dispute. They emphasized that the international community’s intervention is crucial to protect the besieged Kashmiri population from the atrocities perpetrated by the Indian forces.

These posters, serving as a visual medium for the grievances of the Kashmiri people, found their way onto various social media platforms, including Facebook and “X,” amplifying the call for international attention and action. The digital dissemination of these messages aims to engage a wider audience and garner support for the resolution of the Kashmir conflict in accordance with the UN resolutions.

To conclude, the appearance of these posters reflects the deep-seated concerns of Kashmiri activists regarding the ongoing human rights violations and the denial of self-determination in the region. The use of social media platforms underscores the importance of leveraging technology to draw global attention to the plight of the Kashmiri people and to mobilize support for a peaceful resolution under the auspices of the United Nations.