Kashmiri Delegation Briefs Turkish Diplomat on Human Rights Situation in IIOJK
March 14, 2024 Off By Sharp MediaA Kashmiri delegation recently met with Serdar Ozkan, the First Secretary to the mission of Turkey to the United Nations Human Rights Council, in Geneva. Their aim was to provide an update on the prevailing situation in the Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), shedding light on several critical issues.
The delegation, consisting of prominent figures including Syed Faiz Naqshbandi, Advocate Parvez Ahmad Shah, Hassan Banna, and Barrister Nida Salam, emphasized to the Turkish diplomat the deliberate efforts by the Indian government to alter the demographic composition of the occupied territory. They highlighted that this move, involving the settlement of non-Kashmiris, directly contradicts international law and various United Nations resolutions pertaining to Kashmir.
Moreover, the delegation brought attention to the plight of Kashmiri detainees who have been unjustly incarcerated under false charges, often separated from their families and held without trial in mainland India. They revealed the coercive tactics employed by Indian authorities, forcing political prisoners to sign bonds renouncing their pursuit of self-determination upon release from detention.
Expressing gratitude on behalf of the Kashmiri people, the delegation thanked the Turkish diplomat for Turkey’s consistent support for the Kashmiri right to self-determination. They also commended Turkey’s positive role within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in advocating for the Kashmir cause.
In response, the Turkish diplomat expressed sincere appreciation for the delegation’s briefing on the situation in IIOJK. He voiced deep concern regarding the ongoing human rights violations perpetrated against the people of the occupied territory. He reiterated Turkey’s firm stance that Jammu and Kashmir remains a disputed territory according to United Nations resolutions, emphasizing the necessity for its resolution in alignment with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people to foster peace in South Asia.
This diplomatic exchange underscores the international community’s awareness of the human rights crisis in IIOJK and the importance of continued advocacy for the Kashmiri cause. Turkey’s unwavering support amplifies the significance of multilateral efforts in addressing the plight of Kashmiris and facilitating a peaceful resolution to the longstanding conflict.
The meeting between the Kashmiri delegation and the Turkish diplomat serves as a testament to the ongoing struggle for justice and self-determination in the occupied territory. It highlights the crucial role of diplomatic engagement in raising awareness and garnering support for oppressed communities worldwide. As such interactions persist, they contribute to building momentum towards meaningful change and resolution of conflicts rooted in injustice and violation of human rights.