Protests Erupt in Muzaffarabad against Forced Elections in IIOJK

Protests Erupt in Muzaffarabad against Forced Elections in IIOJK

September 25, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Thousands gathered in Muzaffarabad today to protest the second phase of the forced elections in occupied Kashmir. The demonstrations were organized by Pasban-e-Hurriyat Jammu and Kashmir.

A diverse group of citizens, migrants, and leaders from various political and religious parties attended the protests. Participants displayed black flags and held banners proclaiming, “We want freedom, not elections,” and “No elections, only referendum.”

Chants echoed through the streets, denouncing Indian military occupation and demanding freedom and self-determination. The fervor of the crowd highlighted deep frustrations over the current political situation.

Prominent leaders, including Aziz Ahmed Ghazali, Showkat Meer, and Mushatq Islam, addressed the crowd. They dismissed the elections as a “farce” and a “ploy” by the Indian government to mislead the international community. Their speeches resonated with the sentiment that genuine self-determination cannot be replaced by electoral processes.

The protesters emphasized that true freedom for Kashmiris lies in the right to self-determination. They expressed that no election could legitimize the ongoing military occupation or suppress their aspirations.

The march culminated at the UN observer office, where participants demanded international intervention to address the Kashmir dispute. This call for global attention underscored the urgency felt by many Kashmiris regarding their plight.

The protests reflect broader discontent with the Indian government’s actions in the region. Many locals believe that the elections are merely a facade to project normalcy while suppressing dissent and political aspirations.

The participation of diverse political and religious leaders indicates a unifying sentiment among various groups in Kashmir. It demonstrates a collective desire for freedom and an end to external control.

The ongoing situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir has drawn international scrutiny, with many questioning the legitimacy of the electoral process. The protests serve as a reminder that for many Kashmiris, the struggle for rights and recognition continues unabated.

As global awareness of the Kashmir issue grows, the voices of the protesters call for meaningful dialogue and resolution. They seek an end to what they view as occupation and repression.

Therefore, the Muzaffarabad protests represent a significant moment in the ongoing struggle for Kashmiri self-determination. The demand for freedom over elections resonates deeply within the hearts of the people, challenging the legitimacy of the current political framework imposed by India.