APHC Condemns Elections in IIOJK, Calls for International Intervention

APHC Condemns Elections in IIOJK, Calls for International Intervention

September 20, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has condemned the elections organized by the BJP-led Indian government in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). They describe these elections as a farce that cannot replace a United Nations-supported plebiscite for determining the territory’s future.

In a statement from Srinagar, APHC spokesman Advocate Abdul Rashid Minhas emphasized the need for a special UN envoy for Kashmir. He warned that the ongoing dispute, alongside the rising Hindutva agendas of the BJP and RSS, poses a severe threat in a nuclear-capable region. Minhas cautioned that “any unintentional spark could lead South Asia to the brink of nuclear disaster.”

The APHC reiterated its commitment to constructive dialogue that includes India, Pakistan, and genuine representatives from Jammu and Kashmir. Minhas characterized the current elections as irrelevant to the local population. He referenced UN resolutions 91 of 1951 and 122 of 1957, which assert that these elections cannot replace a referendum or plebiscite in Kashmir.

The presence of over one million Indian troops has created an oppressive atmosphere, effectively transforming polling booths into prison-like environments. The APHC stated, “While elections are central to democracy, in a place where fundamental human and religious rights are systematically violated, this process becomes entirely meaningless.”

Given these alarming conditions, the APHC has urged international bodies—including the United Nations, Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), and the European Union (EU)—to pressure the Indian government to take immediate action. They called for the end of all human rights violations in Jammu and Kashmir and the repeal of repressive laws such as the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA).

Additionally, the APHC demands that international human rights and humanitarian organizations be granted access to assess the situation in IIOJK. They also call for the release of all political prisoners, including notable figures like Masarrat Alam Butt, Mohammad Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, and Asiya Andrabi, who have been unjustly detained.

The statement underscores the need for a durable and acceptable peace process to resolve the longstanding conflict over Kashmir. The APHC believes that international attention and intervention are crucial for addressing the ongoing crisis in occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

By highlighting the significance of these issues, the APHC aims to mobilize global support for the Kashmiri cause. The call for dialogue and respect for human rights remains central to their message as they seek a resolution that honors the rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people.