Honoring Shaikh Abdul Aziz: A Martyr and the Fight for Kashmiri Freedom

Honoring Shaikh Abdul Aziz: A Martyr and the Fight for Kashmiri Freedom

August 9, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

As the 16th anniversary of Shaheed-e-Azeemat Shaikh Abdul Aziz’s martyrdom approaches, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and various pro-freedom groups in Indian-illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are uniting to commemorate this significant Kashmiri leader. Shaikh Aziz’s impact on the struggle for self-determination in the region is deeply ingrained in its history.

On August 11, 2008, Shaikh Aziz was killed by Indian troops while leading a large march towards Azad Kashmir. This protest was against the economic blockade imposed on the Kashmir Valley by Hindutva extremists from Jammu. His death galvanized the Kashmiri resistance, intensifying their fight against the Indian occupation.

To honor Shaikh Abdul Aziz’s sacrifice, the APHC has organized special prayer meetings this Sunday. These gatherings will also remember others who have given their lives for the Kashmiri cause. According to the APHC, “His enduring legacy continues to inspire and strengthen the resolve of those fighting for the rights and dignity of the Kashmiri people.”

Prominent figures within the APHC, such as Ghulam Muhammad Khan Sopori, Syed Bashir Andrabi, Khawaja Firdous, and many others, along with organizations including the Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party, the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim League, and the Kashmir Students Youth Forum, have vowed to persist in their struggle until Kashmir is fully liberated. They stress that the sacrifices made by Shaikh Aziz and his comrades during the 2008 uprising will never be forgotten.

Shaikh Abdul Aziz’s martyrdom is not merely a historical event but a continuing source of inspiration. His leadership and ultimate sacrifice in the face of adversity exemplify the relentless quest for freedom and justice. As Kashmiris and their allies come together to remember him, they renew their commitment to the cause, driven by his enduring legacy and the ongoing struggle for self-determination.