World peace at stake due to belligerence of India & Israel

World peace at stake due to belligerence of India & Israel

October 18, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

Srinagar: All Parties Hurriyat Conference and leaders have said that the naked aggression of India and Israel on the Kashmiris and Palestinians have endangered peace and stability of the world at large due to which humanity is going through endless suffering and uncertainty particularly in the occupied territories of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and Palestine.

The APHC spokesman and other Hurriyat leaders including advocate Arshad Iqbal, Farooq Tawheedi, Muhammad Saleem Zargar, Yasmeen Raja, Fayaz Hussain Jafari, Syed Sibte Shabbir Qummi, advocate Arshad Iqbal, Mohammad Yaseen Attaiyee, Mir Shahid Saleem, Maulana Musaib Nadvi, Imtiyaz Reshi and Muhammad Iqbal in their statements in Srinagar denounced in strong terms the brutal Israeli aggression against innocent Palestinians. They said that the Zionist regime has made life hell for the Palestinian people in their own land while Modi-led Hindutva regime has usurped all the basic rights of the Kashmiris by turning Jammu and Kashmir into a big prison.

The leaders said that both the regimes are employing settler colonial tactics and committing large scale massacres in the occupation lands. They said that the Israeli and Indian rulers are modern-day Yazidis whose anti-Islam bias have made them completely stand with each other and work in unison against the Muslims. They said that Israel has been bombing Gaza for over a week now, leaving nearly 3000 people including children and women martyred.

They said the illegitimate Zionist state has been inflicting unspeakable atrocities on the oppressed Palestinians for decades. They said that the unprecedented and daring attack of Hamas has brought to fore some facts of great significance, adding this has shattered the myth of Israel’s invincibility and undermined the efforts of some Arab countries to improve relations with Israel and recognize it. Besides, the Hamas attack has further laid bare the partiality and duplicity of the US, Western countries and their media as they are showing no concern for the blood of infants and women in Gaza, fully supporting Israel in its murderous actions against the Palestinians. They maintained the emerging situation has once again proved that the Middle East peace and stability will continue to remain a distant dream till a just resolution of the Palestine dispute is realized.

They lamented that except for a few Islamic states, most Muslim countries have not yet raised any forceful voice in support of the oppressed people of Palestine, although, the general populace of these nations is protesting against the Israeli brutality. They maintained that ultimately truth has to prevail and tyrannical forces have to suffer defeat, adding the occupying regimes of India and Israel will also bite the dust and the oppressed people of Kashmir and Palestine will emerge victorious.