June 26, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

An Indian Barrister, Amogh Mund, has written a poignant letter to the Pakistani ambassador at the UN Human Rights Council at Geneva, seeking support for millions of Indian men suffering due to the BJP’s insane and populist policies. Indian Barrister, Amogh Mund letter highlights how the BJP’s legislative agenda, including the controversial Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, has been weaponized against men, leading to widespread mental health issues and suicides.

Citing alarming data, he points out that nearly half of India’s male population is impacted by these biased laws. The Ministry of Health’s recent report reveals a shocking statistic: 71% of suicides in India are committed by men, underscoring the urgent need for international intervention. In his letter, Mund narrates his personal ordeal of being falsely accused and enduring systemic abuse under the current legal framework, which he argues is heavily skewed against men. He condemns the BJP for fostering a legal environment that prioritizes populist measures over justice and diversity, resulting in severe mental health crises among men. By sharing his story and the distressing statistics, Mund calls on the international community to recognize and address the human rights violations perpetrated by the Indian government, advocating for a balanced and fair legal system that protects all citizens, regardless of gender.

Mund quotes another Indian report prepared by the Indian Ministry of Health on the National Suicide Prevention Strategy which highlights a disturbing trend: Indian men are dying by suicide at more than twice the rate of women. Over 50% of those suffering from mental illness do not receive adequate support. This issue is particularly alarming in India, where men make up 49% of the population but account for 71% of suicides. The Supreme Court of India has observed that a significant factor contributing to this crisis is the misuse of Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which is often exploited to settle personal scores against husbands and their relatives, thereby exacerbating mental health issues among men. The court has observed that the increasing friction in marriages has led to a growing tendency to use legal provisions like Section 498A IPC as tools for personal vendettas. This misuse not only harms the accused but also clogs the judicial system with frivolous cases. The court has urged caution in proceeding against relatives and in-laws without a prima facie case, emphasizing the need to protect innocent individuals from undue harassment. While Section 498A was enacted to protect women from cruelty, its misuse has become a significant issue, leading to false accusations and social unrest. Legal reforms, coupled with stringent investigative procedures and family counseling, are essential to prevent the exploitation of this law and ensure justice for all parties involved.

It is bitter fact that BJP has aligned its legal system with a Hindutva ideology that is inherently anti-diversity and anti-minorities, neglecting the fundamental principles of justice and equality. In its election manifestos, both at the Centre and in the States, the BJP has consistently pushed for numerous controversial laws. The party’s rhetoric and legislative actions, such as the Citizenship Amendment Act and the abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir, clearly violate India’s commitments under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), which protect religious freedom and prevent incitement to religious hatred.

The BJP’s approach to governance is not only discriminatory but also dangerous, as it incites hostility, discrimination, and violence against minorities. The BJP must abandon its populist agenda and work towards creating a balanced legal system that truly protects human rights and upholds the country’s constitutional values of diversity and inclusion.