Urgency for UN Action: Resolving the Kashmir Dispute for Lasting Peace

Urgency for UN Action: Resolving the Kashmir Dispute for Lasting Peace

September 12, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Political analysts and experts argue that a fair resolution to the Kashmir conflict, aligned with UN resolutions, is crucial for lasting peace in South Asia.

Experts who preferred anonymity highlighted the severe impact of the unresolved Kashmir issue. They point to increasing militarization and nuclearization in the region, which they describe as a “ticking time bomb.”

Dr. Sultan, a prominent political analyst, emphasized that the international community must exert pressure on India to resolve the Kashmir dispute according to UN resolutions. He argues that without such intervention, the situation remains perilous.

Since August 2019, the situation in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir has worsened, with a rise in extrajudicial killings and controversial search operations. Experts note that these actions have intensified the crisis.

Dr. Yaqoob, a professor of international relations, criticized India for obstructing a peaceful resolution to the Kashmir issue for over seventy years. He stressed that the UN has a responsibility to ensure the implementation of its resolutions on the matter.

The experts also called for global accountability for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government. Dr. Kaul, a Kashmiri activist, urged world powers to hold Modi and his associates accountable for alleged war crimes against Kashmiris.

“It is time for justice,” Dr. Kaul said. “The international community must honor its promises regarding the right to self-determination for Kashmiris.”

The experts are calling for the UN to intensify its efforts to address the Kashmir dispute urgently. They believe that only through decisive international action can peace be restored to South Asia.