The Kashmir Dispute: Renewed Calls for UN Intervention and Resolution

The Kashmir Dispute: Renewed Calls for UN Intervention and Resolution

August 9, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Kashmir dispute remains a persistent issue on the global stage, with the United Nations underscoring the need for a resolution that adheres to the UN Charter and relevant Security Council resolutions.

Farhan Aziz Haq, Deputy Spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, recently reaffirmed the UN’s long-standing position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute. Responding to questions about the UN’s perceived inaction since the abrogation of Article 370 on August 5, 2019, Haq reiterated the call for a resolution in line with international law.

Experts are urging the UN to take immediate action to uphold the principle of self-determination, which is central to the UN Charter. They express concern over India’s actions in Indian-illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), arguing that these actions undermine the UN’s authority and effectiveness.

India’s disregard for international laws and conventions regarding Kashmir has alarmed observers. Experts contend that India’s efforts to alter the demographic makeup of IIOJK are blatant violations of UN resolutions. One expert remarked, “Demographic engineering in IIOJK is illegal and directly challenges the international community’s commitment to human rights and UN credibility.”

The UN is seen as having a crucial role in facilitating the restoration of the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination, which has been systematically denied by India’s repressive policies and demographic changes. The international community is urged to increase pressure on India to create conditions that align with UN resolutions on Kashmir.

Experts stress that urgent and decisive action from the UN and the global community is vital to uphold justice, human rights, and the principle of self-determination in this enduring conflict. The call for a proactive approach highlights the need for an effective international response to address one of the world’s most enduring disputes.