Rising Concerns over Human Rights Violations in Kashmir

Rising Concerns over Human Rights Violations in Kashmir

July 2, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Political experts and analysts in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) have strongly condemned the arbitrary detention of Kashmiris by the New Delhi-controlled BJP regime. These detentions are seen as an effort to force Kashmiris into submission, representing a blatant violation of human rights by Indian forces.

Thousands of Kashmiris, including prominent political leaders like Musarrat Alam Butt, Muhammad Yasin Malik, and Shabbir Ahmad Shah, have been imprisoned under questionable charges. These arrests, facilitated by draconian laws, have surged since August 2019 when India revoked Kashmir’s special status and imposed a military siege. The situation has led to a significant deterioration in human rights within the region.

Under Narendra Modi, the Indian government has resorted to severe measures to suppress political sentiments among Kashmiris. New, oppressive laws have been introduced to crush the identity of Kashmiris, silence their voices, and undermine their economy. International rights organizations have raised alarms over the escalating human rights crisis, with UN reports documenting widespread violations by Indian troops. Routine occurrences now include killings, arrests, torture, and property seizures, all carried out by the Hindutva BJP regime in blatant disregard of human rights principles.

Political analysts argue that the human rights violations in IIOJK are intrinsically linked to the unresolved Kashmir dispute. They urge global powers to press India to uphold its human rights obligations. These experts call for urgent international intervention to protect Kashmiris from the oppressive measures of Modi’s government, warning that the United Nations’ inaction has only emboldened India’s aggressive policies.

The call for international attention is critical. The deteriorating situation in IIOJK not only affects the lives of thousands of Kashmiris but also threatens regional stability. The international community must recognize the severity of the issue and take steps to address these human rights violations. The world cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the suffering of the Kashmiri people.

To summarize, the political landscape in IIOJK is marked by severe human rights violations carried out with impunity by Indian forces under the BJP regime. The international community’s role is pivotal in addressing these issues and ensuring that the rights and dignity of Kashmiris are preserved. The silence of global powers and organizations like the United Nations must end, as their active involvement is crucial in bringing about a just resolution to the Kashmir dispute and protecting the human rights of its people.