Rising Concerns Over Hindu Fascism in India

Rising Concerns Over Hindu Fascism in India

August 19, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Since Narendra Modi became Prime Minister in 2014, prominent civil society activists have voiced alarms about the rise of Hindu fascism in India. They argue that the country is undergoing a disturbing transformation under Modi’s rule.

Activists such as Arundhati Roy, Harsh Mander, and Teesta Setalvad have publicly condemned India’s shift into what they describe as a “criminal Hindu fascist enterprise.” Their focus is on the increasing suffering of Muslims in India and in Indian-illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

These activists argue that Modi’s administration is not only suppressing dissent but also marginalizing religious minorities through discriminatory policies. They accuse the government of escalating human rights abuses in IIOJK. They also highlight Modi’s ties to the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a Hindu nationalist organization they claim adheres to extremist ideologies.

Critics from the activist community also take issue with Modi’s regime for implementing anti-Muslim laws. They assert that these laws threaten humanity, regional peace, and stability. Their concerns underscore a broader critique of how India is straying from its democratic roots.

International figures such as Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis, and Cornel West have joined in condemning this trend. They express concern over India’s apparent departure from democratic norms.

The activists are calling on international human rights organizations to intervene. Their aim is to protect Indian minorities and Kashmiri Muslims from what they perceive as a rise in Hindu fascism.

These voices reflect a broader anxiety about the erosion of democratic values and human rights under the current administration. They stress the need for global attention to prevent further marginalization and abuses.