Remembering the Martyrs of July 13, 1931: A Call for Justice and Freedom

Remembering the Martyrs of July 13, 1931: A Call for Justice and Freedom

July 11, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has paid heartfelt tributes to the martyrs of July 13, 1931. They believe that the martyrs’ sacred blood sparked the flame of freedom in Jammu and Kashmir against Dogra tyranny.

On that tragic day, the troops of Dogra Maharaja killed 22 Kashmiris. These killings happened outside the Central Jail in Srinagar during court proceedings against Abdul Qadeer. Qadeer had urged the Kashmiri people to defy Dogra rule.

In a statement issued in Srinagar, the APHC leadership called on Hurriyat leaders and the public to visit the Martyrs’ Graveyard at Naqshband Sahib in Srinagar to pay their respects. The APHC emphasized that the best way to honor these martyrs is by collectively fighting against injustice, hegemony, and forcible occupation.

The APHC also urged Imams and Khateebs to honor all martyrs on Saturday, July 13. They reminded people of their duty to protect their faith and identity from the onslaught of Hindutva.

The APHC expressed confidence that the immense sacrifices made by the people of IIOJK will eventually bear fruit. They highlighted the resilience and determination of the Kashmiri people in their pursuit of justice and freedom.

This tragic event has left an indelible mark on the collective memory of the Kashmiri people. The bravery of the martyrs continues to inspire the fight against oppression and the quest for self-determination.

The APHC’s call to visit the Martyrs’ Graveyard underscores the importance of remembering the past. It also serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for freedom and justice in the region.

By honoring the martyrs, the APHC aims to galvanize support for the broader cause of Kashmiri self-determination. They believe that unity in the face of adversity is crucial for achieving their goals.

The sacrifices of July 13, 1931, are a testament to the courage and resolve of the Kashmiri people. The APHC’s message is clear: the fight for justice and freedom must continue, and the martyrs’ legacy must be preserved and honored.

As the APHC urges the community to stand united, they also call for international support and recognition of the Kashmiri struggle. The martyrs’ blood has ignited a flame that continues to burn brightly, guiding the path toward freedom and justice.

As a whole, the APHC’s tribute to the July 13 martyrs is a powerful reminder of the ongoing fight against oppression in IIOJK. The legacy of these martyrs lives on, inspiring future generations to continue the struggle for justice and freedom.