Rejection of Electoral Legitimacy and Call for UN-Supervised Plea in IIOJK

Rejection of Electoral Legitimacy and Call for UN-Supervised Plea in IIOJK

September 4, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Professor Abdul Ghani Butt, a senior leader of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, has firmly rejected the legitimacy of recent elections in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. According to Professor Butt, the true resolution of the Kashmir dispute can only be achieved through a United Nations-supervised plebiscite, rather than elections conducted under Indian authority.

In a statement from Srinagar, Professor Butt highlighted that past elections in the region were intended to manage administrative affairs rather than address the core dispute. He asserted that these elections have not altered the disputed status of Jammu and Kashmir. The international community, he noted, has consistently rejected India’s attempts to use these elections as a substitute for the right to self-determination.

The UN Security Council has previously resolved that the legislative assembly of Jammu and Kashmir lacks the authority to change the territory’s disputed status. Professor Butt emphasized that resolving the Kashmir issue requires more than just elections; it demands justice, adherence to legal frameworks, and respect for the rights of the people.

He criticized the use of what he termed as “fake elections,” demographic manipulation, intimidation, and various forms of cultural, moral, and economic oppression as ineffective and unjust methods of resolving the conflict. Instead, he called for a resolution through genuine negotiations involving all three parties: India, Pakistan, and the people of Kashmir.

Professor Butt’s statement features that the Kashmir dispute is not only a regional issue but also a global concern, affecting the stability of South Asia and posing a threat to international peace. He urged for a dialogue among the parties involved to achieve a fair and peaceful resolution.

The call for UN-supervised plebiscite reflects a broader demand for a transparent and just process to determine the future of Jammu and Kashmir. This approach, Professor Butt argues, is essential to address the longstanding conflict and ensure the rights and aspirations of the Kashmiri people are properly recognized and respected.