Posters in Poonch, other areas pay tributes to Jammu martyrs

Posters in Poonch, other areas pay tributes to Jammu martyrs

November 7, 2021 Off By Sharp Media

 In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, posters appeared in Poonch and other parts of the territory to pay tributes to the Jammu martyrs of November 1947.

Hundreds of thousands of Kashmiris were butchered by the forces of Dogra Maharaja Hari Singh, Indian army and Hindu extremists in different parts of Jammu region while they were migrating to Pakistan during the first week of November in 1947.

The posters pasted by the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Alliance on walls, pillars and electricity poles in different areas of Jammu, recalled the carnage of Jammu Muslims and paid them glowing tributes.