Posters bring Global focus to severe Human Rights Violations in IIOJK

Posters bring Global focus to severe Human Rights Violations in IIOJK

December 8, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

Posters have surfaced across various regions of Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir, shedding light on the egregious human rights violations and atrocities committed by the Indian state within the territory. The stark images aim to draw global attention to the plight of Kashmiris, emphasizing the urgency for international intervention.

According to the reports, the posters emerged as part of the annual observance of Human Rights Day on December 10, a worldwide event commemorating the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) by the United Nations General Assembly on the same day in 1948.

Hurriyat groups, operating in Srinagar and other key areas, strategically displayed the posters to highlight the extensive human rights abuses perpetrated by the Indian regime and its armed forces in the occupied region. The messages conveyed a distressing reality where people in Indian-occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are systematically denied fundamental rights, including the right to self-determination.

The posters serve as a passionate plea to international human rights organizations, urging them to take cognizance of the severe human rights violations committed by India in IIOJK. The alarming content underscores the urgency for global scrutiny and intervention to address the pressing issue.

One of the posters focuses on the Indian state’s tactics of terrorism and cruelty, including the confiscation of properties, lands, and houses, as well as the termination of Kashmiri employees in IIOJK. The appeal extends to the international community, urging them to actively engage in resolving the longstanding Kashmir dispute in alignment with UN resolutions.

Simultaneously, the posters have transcended physical boundaries, making their way onto various social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp. The digital dissemination further amplifies the message, reaching a broader audience and fostering awareness of the dire situation unfolding in IIOJK.

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference has voiced its condemnation, asserting that the Indian BJP regime and its armed forces continue to subject unarmed Kashmiris, including the youth, to severe atrocities. Despite the adversities, the Kashmiri people remain resolute in their determination to persist in their struggle until a just and conclusive resolution is achieved.

To conclude, the emergence of these posters serves as a powerful medium to unveil the grim reality of human rights abuses in Indian-occupied Kashmir. The global dissemination of these images, both physically and digitally, underscores the urgency for international intervention and solidarity in addressing the longstanding Kashmir dispute and ensuring the protection of fundamental rights for the people of the region.