Pakistan Reaffirms Rejection of India’s Illegal Annexation of IIOJK at United Nations

Pakistan Reaffirms Rejection of India’s Illegal Annexation of IIOJK at United Nations

July 4, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Pakistan has reiterated its firm stance against India’s illegal annexation of Indian-illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir, asserting that the Kashmiris will never accept the move. Rabia Ijaz, the Second Secretary of the Pakistan Mission, made this clear during the General Assembly debate on the “Responsibility to Protect (R2P)”.

Ijaz emphasized that the IIOJK dispute is internationally recognized under Security Council resolutions and cannot be negated by India’s legal tactics. She called on the global community to help the Kashmiri people by supporting their right to self-determination, a principle enshrined in the UN Charter and several UNSC resolutions.

Responding to remarks from the Indian delegation, Ijaz criticized India’s treatment of minorities, citing incidents of public lynching of Christians, Muslims, and Dalits by Hindutva extremists. She accused India of presenting fabricated assertions to the Assembly and highlighted the irony of India discussing human rights while its minorities face severe persecution.

Ijaz condemned the anti-Muslim rhetoric prevalent in India, questioning the justification behind a BJP leader’s recent threat to slaughter 200,000 Muslims. She pointed out that Indian leadership, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has often used anti-Muslim sentiments for political gain, referring to Muslims as “infiltrators” during campaigns. Furthermore, she noted open calls for the genocide of Muslim minorities by Hindu priests.

The Pakistani delegate expressed concern over the lack of action against hate crimes in India. She urged the Indian delegation to address the issues raised by UN experts and reverse the Islamophobic trends in the country instead of making inflammatory remarks against Pakistan.

Ijaz also highlighted the irony of India lecturing on terrorism while allegedly using terrorism as a state policy against its neighbours. She accused India of being a state sponsor of terrorism, engaging in global assassination campaigns, and manipulating UNSC sanctions regimes to protect its nationals involved in terrorist activities.

To conclude, Rabia Ijaz’s statements at the UN debate underscored Pakistan’s unwavering stance on the Kashmir issue and called for international support to alleviate the suffering of the Kashmiri people. She also brought attention to India’s internal human rights issues and its alleged state-sponsored terrorism, urging a reevaluation of its policies and actions.