OIC Expresses Concern Over Supreme Court Verdict On Kashmir

OIC Expresses Concern Over Supreme Court Verdict On Kashmir

December 13, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

The recent verdict by the Supreme Court of India upholding the contentious decision by the Narendra Modi-led government to revoke the special status of occupied Jammu and Kashmir on 5 August 2019 has raised alarm within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). In a statement released from Jeddah, the OIC General Secretariat expressed deep concern over the illegal and unilateral actions taken by the Indian government, emphasizing the need for a reversal of these measures.

The OIC’s concern stems from the violation of international norms and the resolutions of the Islamic Summit and the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers related to the Kashmir dispute. The organization firmly reiterated its call for the annulment of all illegal and unilateral steps initiated by the Modi regime since August 2019, specifically those designed to alter the internationally-recognized disputed status of the occupied territory.

The General Secretariat, through its statement, once again showcased its unwavering solidarity with the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their pursuit of the right to self-determination. This reaffirmation reflects the OIC’s commitment to supporting the Kashmiri population in their quest for justice and recognition of their legitimate aspirations

Furthermore, the OIC called upon the international community to intensify its efforts in addressing the Kashmir dispute in alignment with the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions. This appeal underscores the OIC’s belief in the importance of a collective and multilateral approach to resolving conflicts, particularly those that have far-reaching implications for regional stability and global peace.

The OIC’s stance serves as a diplomatic expression of dissatisfaction with the Indian government’s actions and a reminder of the unresolved nature of the Kashmir issue on the international stage. By highlighting the violations of established norms and urging a return to the status quo, the OIC positions itself as a voice advocating for justice and adherence to international principles.

To conclude, the OIC’s expression of concern over the recent Supreme Court verdict on Kashmir underscores the need for global attention to the situation. The organization’s call for the reversal of unilateral measures and its support for the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their struggle for self-determination emphasize the importance of international cooperation in addressing longstanding disputes and upholding the principles of justice and fairness on the global stage.