October 8: Pakistan Army’s Vital Role in Recovery of Kashmir after Devastating Earthquake

October 8: Pakistan Army’s Vital Role in Recovery of Kashmir after Devastating Earthquake

October 8, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

On this day, October 8, 2005, a devastating 7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, a northwest province of Pakistan , resulting in over 80,000 deaths and displacing millions.

In the wake of this tragedy, the Pakistan Armed Forces quickly mobilized to address the urgent needs of affected communities. Their response encompassed extensive rescue, relief, and rehabilitation efforts.

The Army initiated search and rescue missions immediately after the earthquake. Troops worked tirelessly to locate survivors trapped under rubble, providing critical assistance during the first few days.

Alongside rescue efforts, the Pakistan Army provided medical aid to the injured. They established relief camps to offer temporary shelter, food, and medical care for displaced individuals.

Army helicopters were instrumental in airlifting injured persons and delivering essential supplies to remote and hard-to-reach areas. This swift action ensured that aid reached those in dire need.

The Army Engineers Corps played a crucial role in clearing debris and reopening roads. Restoring infrastructure was vital for supporting ongoing relief efforts and reconnecting communities.

The Army’s medical corps set up field hospitals in severely affected areas. These facilities treated thousands and worked alongside international medical teams to enhance healthcare access.

Beyond immediate relief, the Army was deeply involved in long-term rehabilitation. Their efforts included reconstructing homes, schools, hospitals, and vital infrastructure necessary for community recovery.

Under the Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), the Army made significant contributions to rebuilding public buildings, roads, and bridges throughout AJK and surrounding regions.

Recognizing the psychological impact of the disaster, the Army provided emotional counseling to survivors. This support was crucial for helping individuals cope with the trauma.

To aid in rebuilding livelihoods, the Pakistan Army initiated vocational training programs. These programs aimed to empower the affected population with skills necessary for economic recovery.

The Army worked closely with international relief agencies and foreign military units. This collaboration ensured efficient delivery of aid and maximized the impact of relief efforts.

The Pakistan Army’s involvement in the earthquake recovery effort is remembered as one of the largest and most effective military-led humanitarian operations in Pakistan’s history. Their swift action and comprehensive support significantly aided in the recovery of AJK.

The response to the 2005 earthquake highlighted the Pakistan Army’s crucial role in humanitarian efforts. Their multifaceted approach not only provided immediate relief but also laid the groundwork for long-term recovery in affected regions.