October 27: A Day of Infamy in Kashmir’s History

October 27: A Day of Infamy in Kashmir’s History

October 24, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Jammu and Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has declared October 27 as the darkest day in Kashmir’s modern history. This date marks India’s illegal invasion of Jammu and Kashmir in 1947.

In a powerful statement from Srinagar, DFP spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal described this invasion as “naked aggression.” He argued that India’s actions have no legal or moral basis. Such blatant disregard for justice is appalling.

Iqbal highlighted the catastrophic consequences of India’s enduring military occupation. He stated that this occupation poses an existential threat to the Kashmiri people, who continue to suffer. The brutal repression inflicted by the Indian government over decades is inexcusable.

He pointed out that the invasion is a grave violation of international law, directly assaulting the political and democratic rights of millions of Kashmiris. Such actions cannot be ignored or justified.

Despite facing immense hardship, the resilience of the Kashmiri people is remarkable. Iqbal affirmed, “Despite suffering at the hands of Indian tyrants, the valiant people of Kashmir have never accepted its dominance over the region.” This unwavering spirit is commendable.

Kashmiris have a long history of resistance against Indian oppression. Iqbal expressed confidence, stating that their struggle and sacrifices will eventually yield results. “The day is not far when Kashmiris’ struggle and their sacrifices for the noble cause will reach fruition,” he proclaimed.

Since the Modi government’s actions on August 5, 2019, Kashmiris have vehemently rejected the imposed measures. Iqbal criticized the narratives pushed by the BJP, arguing there is no genuine support for these misleading claims among the Kashmiri population.

The continued denial of rights and autonomy in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) highlights India’s systemic oppression. This situation demands urgent international attention and accountability. The plight of the Kashmiri people cannot be overlooked.

The DFP’s declaration serves as a reminder of the historical injustices faced by Kashmiris. The ongoing military presence and human rights abuses need to be confronted.

Kashmiris are determined to fight for their rights and freedoms. Their resilience against overwhelming odds showcases their commitment to justice and self-determination.

As the world watches, the call for justice in IIOJK grows louder. The international community must recognize the reality of the situation and stand in solidarity with the Kashmiri people.

October 27 should serve as a catalyst for action, not just a day of remembrance. The struggle for IIOJK’s freedom is far from over, and the voices of its people must be heard.

India’s occupation and its consequences remain a critical issue that cannot be brushed aside. The DFP’s bold statements reflect a deep-seated frustration that is palpable among Kashmiris.

Only by acknowledging and addressing these grievances can there be hope for a just resolution. The path to peace in IIOJK is troubled with challenges, but the resolve of its people is firm.