NC Plans to Arrive SC for IIOJK Statehood Restoration

NC Plans to Arrive SC for IIOJK Statehood Restoration

August 20, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

Omar Abdullah, vice-president of the National Conference (NC), has declared that his party will turn to the Indian Supreme Court if the government does not restore statehood to Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Speaking to reporters in Srinagar, Abdullah emphasized the urgency of regaining statehood. “We are determined to reclaim our powers,” he said. “We are confident that we will succeed, at least initially, in restoring statehood to Jammu and Kashmir.”

Abdullah indicated that if the Indian government remains unresponsive to the NC’s demands, the party will seek judicial intervention. He stated, “We need only remind the Supreme Court of the Indian government’s commitment to restore statehood to J-K. If the government fails to act voluntarily, we will pursue justice through the Supreme Court.”

Regarding the restoration of Article 370, which was abrogated by the Modi administration in August 2019, Abdullah expressed his belief in continued political advocacy. He pointed out that the Supreme Court had upheld Article 370 on three previous occasions, suggesting that a future reversal of the current decision might be possible.

Abdullah questioned the permanence of judicial decisions, noting, “The Supreme Court had upheld Article 370 thrice before. If the BJP could challenge previous rulings, why should we accept a single adverse decision?”

When asked about the impact of recent parliamentary election results on the party, Abdullah acknowledged that the NC had learned important lessons. He suggested that the party’s situation was not as dire as some had portrayed in recent years.

To summarize, Omar Abdullah and the National Conference are prepared to escalate their efforts to restore statehood to Jammu and Kashmir. They are ready to take legal action if necessary and remain hopeful about reversing the abrogation of Article 370 through political and judicial means.