Muslim Identity is Under Threat in IIOJK

Muslim Identity is Under Threat in IIOJK

July 29, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Muslim identity of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) is under severe threat. The Modi regime is intensifying efforts to impose the Hindutva agenda in the region.

Since August 5, 2019, when Narendra Modi-led BJP government revoked Article 370, the situation has worsened. This move stripped Kashmiris of their special status and identity.

“Our Muslim identity is under attack,” says Abdul Rahman, a Kashmiri resident. “The Modi government is erasing our cultural, linguistic, and religious heritage.”

Rahman adds, “This was a blatant attempt to snatch our Muslim identity and undermine our self-determination struggle.” The Modi regime is accused of settling non-locals in IIOJK, altering its Muslim-majority status, and imposing Hindu-centric policies.

Ahmad Wani, another Kashmiri resident, states, “This demographic change violates international norms and has sparked widespread outrage among Kashmiris.” Preserving their unique identity is crucial for Kashmiri Muslims.

Wani continues, “The Modi government’s actions have stripped us of our honor and identity, leaving us feeling vulnerable and disenfranchised.” Kashmiri Muslims fear their heritage is being systematically erased.

Kashmiris have vowed never to accept the changes imposed on August 5, 2019. They demand that India be pressured to preserve their identity and implement UN resolutions on Kashmir.

“The international community must take notice of the ongoing human rights violations in IIOJK,” says Salman Pandit, a resident of Srinagar. “India must be held accountable for its actions.”

Kashmiri Muslims remain determined to protect their identity amidst the intensified efforts to impose the Hindutva agenda. Their struggle continues as they seek international support to uphold their rights and heritage.