Kashmiri Martyrs’ Conference: A Defiant Stand against Indian Occupation in IIOJK

Kashmiri Martyrs’ Conference: A Defiant Stand against Indian Occupation in IIOJK

October 21, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

In Bagh city, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), a Martyrs’ Conference organized by the Jammu and Kashmir Pir Panjal Freedom Movement (PPFM) paid solemn tribute to Kashmiri martyrs. The event was a critical reminder of the ongoing struggle against Indian occupation.

PPFM Vice Chairman Qazi Imran presided over the conference, while Ghulam Muhammad Safi, Convener of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference Azad Jammu and Kashmir (APHC-AJK), served as the special guest. His presence underscored the unity of purpose among those committed to Kashmir’s liberation.

During his address, Safi reaffirmed the commitment to continue the martyrs’ mission. He called on all refugees to observe October 27 as Black Day, protesting the Indian occupation. This is not just a symbolic gesture; it’s a clarion call for resistance.

Other speakers echoed Safi’s sentiments, emphasizing their unwavering determination to achieve freedom from India. They pledged to persist in their struggle until total success is attained. Such statements highlight the relentless spirit of those fighting for their rights.

Qazi Imran thanked all participants, declaring, “We are the heirs of the martyrs of Jammu and Kashmir.” His words resonate with the determination to carry the struggle to its logical conclusion. There’s a fierce resolve in their declaration: they will not back down.

The conference saw participation from various Hurriyat leaders, including Chaudhry Shaheen Iqbal and Abdul Majeed Mir. Their collective presence reinforced the idea that the fight for Kashmir is far from over. Each leader’s voice adds weight to the call for action.

This event is not merely a remembrance; it’s a bold statement of resistance. The participants are sending a clear message: they will not be silenced, nor will they accept the status quo imposed by India. The resolve displayed at the conference signifies a growing determination to challenge oppression.

The urgency of their mission is profound. They are calling for unity among Kashmiris and support from the international community. The struggle against Indian occupation demands global attention, and they are making that known.

The Martyrs’ Conference in Bagh represents a powerful moment of solidarity among those advocating for Kashmir’s freedom. It emphasizes the importance of remembrance and action. The struggle continues, and those who have fallen for this cause are honored through firm commitment.