Kashmir Solidarity Day is to be observed with Zeal & fervor on Feb 5: AJK PM

Kashmir Solidarity Day is to be observed with Zeal & fervor on Feb 5: AJK PM

February 1, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Chaudhry Anwar-ul-Haq, has declared that Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5 will be commemorated with unwavering enthusiasm, conveying a resolute message to India. This announcement underscores the solidarity of millions of people in Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir, standing firmly alongside the oppressed inhabitants of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their quest for freedom.

During a joint press conference in Islamabad with leaders from All Parties Hurriyat Conference AJK (APHC)-AJK, Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq revealed that the day would be designated as a public holiday, with business activities coming to a halt. He advocated for the organization of rallies, processions, and other events to demonstrate unity with the oppressed Kashmiris living under illegal Indian occupation.

Expressing vehement condemnation of India’s actions on August 5, 2019, and recent decisions by the Indian Supreme Court, PM Anwar-ul-Haq reiterated the commitment to the rightful struggle for self-determination. He assured that Azad Jammu and Kashmir would persist in its efforts to raise awareness about the dire situation in the occupied territory.

Anticipating an upsurge in global attention towards the Kashmir cause, the Prime Minister pledged to inform international forums, including the United Nations and OIC, about the sacrifices made by Kashmiris. He urged for united support from the global community for the just cause of Kashmir.

Emphasizing the significance of Kashmir Solidarity Day as an opportunity to showcase unity, PM Anwar-ul-Haq stressed the importance of sending a robust message to the international community. He believes that the sacrifices of Kashmiris will bring increased global awareness to the dire circumstances faced by the people in the occupied territory.

The joint press conference was attended by several prominent figures, including Ghulam Mohammad Safi, Mohammad Farooq Rahmani, Syed Yousuf Nasim, Mir Tahir Masood, Altaf Hussain Wani, and many others. Their presence underscored the collective commitment to the cause of Kashmir and the determination to work towards a free and independent Jammu and Kashmir.

To conclude, Prime Minister Anwar-ul-Haq expressed hope that the sacrifices made by Kashmiris would eventually lead to the liberation of Jammu and Kashmir from the oppressive clutches of Indian rule. As the international community’s attention is drawn to the Kashmir cause, the Prime Minister remains optimistic that through collective efforts, a free Jammu and Kashmir will emerge one day, breaking free from the shackles of Indian oppression.