Kashmir Festival and Conference Promotes Tourism and Counters Negative Propaganda

Kashmir Festival and Conference Promotes Tourism and Counters Negative Propaganda

June 1, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Kashmir Festival and Kashmir Conference, jointly organized by the Kashmiri students of the International Islamic University Islamabad under the auspices of the Jammu and Kashmir Students Organization and other collaborators, took place at the Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Auditorium in Islamabad. The event aimed to promote tourism through peaceful activities in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and to counter negative propaganda spread by India against Pakistan.

The event gathered a diverse group of political and Hurriyat leaders from both Azad Jammu and Kashmir and occupied Jammu and Kashmir, including prominent figures such as Altaf Hussain Wani, Zafar Qureshi, Syed Mujahid Gilani, Dr. Muzammal Thakur, Abdul Hameed Lone, Syed Manzoor Shah, and others. These leaders shared their perspectives on the ongoing freedom movement in occupied Kashmir, reiterating their commitment to preventing further deterioration of the situation.

The conference provided a platform for these leaders to discuss the challenges faced by the people of Kashmir and to emphasize the importance of solidarity and continued efforts towards self-determination. They highlighted the adverse effects of the negative propaganda campaign by India, which aims to undermine the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiri people and portray Pakistan in a negative light.

One of the significant aspects of the event was its cultural segment, which included a Mushaira featuring traditional Kashmiri music and poetry. Kashmiri poets participated, adding a rich cultural dimension to the conference. This cultural showcase aimed to celebrate the heritage of Kashmir and promote a message of peace and resilience through artistic expression.

The event also aimed to promote tourism in Azad Jammu and Kashmir by showcasing the region’s natural beauty and cultural richness. By encouraging tourism, the organizers hoped to foster a positive image of the region and counteract the negative narratives propagated by Indian media and other sources.

In his address, Altaf Hussain Wani spoke about the importance of unity among the Kashmiri people and the need for international awareness and support for their cause. Zafar Qureshi highlighted the resilience of the Kashmiri people in the face of ongoing challenges and their unwavering commitment to achieving their right to self-determination. Dr. Muzammal Thakur discussed the role of the diaspora in advocating for the Kashmiri cause and countering misinformation.

The participation of various leaders and activists underscored the broad support for the Kashmiri freedom movement and the shared goal of achieving justice and peace in the region. The event also served as a reminder of the rich cultural heritage of Kashmir and the importance of preserving it amidst ongoing conflict.

To conclude, the Kashmir Festival and Conference in Islamabad successfully highlighted the cultural heritage of Kashmir and promoted tourism in Azad Jammu and Kashmir while countering negative propaganda. The gathering of political and Hurriyat leaders, along with cultural performances, emphasized the resilience and unity of the Kashmiri people in their ongoing struggle for self-determination and peace.