Indian Foreign Minister’s Remarks on Kashmir Spark Severe Criticism

Indian Foreign Minister’s Remarks on Kashmir Spark Severe Criticism

September 2, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Jammu Kashmir Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) has criticized Indian Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar’s recent comments about Kashmir, calling them a deliberate attempt to mislead the international community.

According to DFP spokesman Advocate Arshad Iqbal, Jaishankar’s remarks ignore the numerous UN Security Council resolutions that recognize Kashmir as a disputed territory. These resolutions advocate for a referendum to let Kashmiris determine their own future.

Iqbal emphasized that Kashmir’s status as a disputed region has been on the UN agenda for over seventy years. He accused Jaishankar of distorting historical facts and misleading the public about the region’s real situation.

The DFP has urged the UN to fulfill its responsibility in resolving the Kashmir dispute and addressing the ongoing human rights abuses in the region. Iqbal stressed that international intervention is crucial to ending the long-standing conflict.

The spokesman highlighted the severe consequences of the unresolved dispute, noting the extensive loss of life and destruction in Kashmir since 1947. He accused India of committing acts of violence and state terrorism against Kashmiri civilians, turning the region into a place of suffering.

Iqbal reiterated the DFP’s stance that UN-supervised referendum is essential for a peaceful resolution. He argued that only by implementing UN Security Council resolutions and holding a plebiscite can the dispute be resolved satisfactorily.

The DFP leader criticized India for attempting to suppress the Kashmiri struggle through violence and repression. He stated that the continued killing of civilians, imprisonment of political leaders, and suppression of dissent only exacerbate the conflict.

Therefore, the DFP calls for international support and adherence to UN resolutions as the only viable solution to the Kashmir issue. They believe that a fair and transparent plebiscite under UN oversight remains the key to resolving the longstanding dispute.