‘Indian authorities have a history of creating false stories and narratives’

‘Indian authorities have a history of creating false stories and narratives’

October 22, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

 Political experts and analysts have said the Indian authorities have a history of creating false stories and narratives, especially when it involves situations between Muslims and Hindus.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the political experts and analysts in their interviews and statements in Srinagar said the Indian authorities use their media to spread these false tales instead of conveying the truth which has led to religious tensions and violence in India, which were not as prevalent in the past.

They said October 27, 1947 was the day when the princely state became a matter of contention and inquiry, however, this narrative serves to obscure the truth to advance the Indian agenda.

The political experts and analysts said on this day, India deliberately undermined the unity, integrity, and cultural heritage of Indian illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir. It was a moment when India, through deceitful means, betrayed the people of IIOJK while projecting itself as their champion of rights, they added.

India’s false-narrative asserts that in October, Pakistan deliberately undermined the unity, integrity and cultural heritage of Kashmir and India has managed to craft a narrative that conceals its role in the 1947 invasion, they maintained.

They said the Indian authorities allege that Pakistan has sought to cast doubts on the authenticity of Jammu and Kashmir’s accession to India. However, they added, the truth is that India, through deceptive means, betrayed the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) while projecting itself as champion of their rights.

The political experts and analysts said Kashmir has suffered greatly due to India’s actions, with numerous atrocities committed against its people, including killings, assaults, rapes, and abductions. India has deployed a large number of soldiers in Kashmir, claiming it’s for security and peacekeeping, but the reality is different, and the exact troop numbers remain undisclosed, they lamented.

They said even today, India is distorting the reality regarding its human rights violations in IIOJK. Recently, a news story reported that Indian police killed five “foreign” fighters in Kashmir, but India refused to disclose their nationalities, they said.

This lack of transparency, they said, raises doubts and even the news source couldn’t independently confirm the incident. It’s evident that the ruling party in India employs these tactics to secure political support, even if it entails oppressing the Muslim population, the political experts and analysts maintained.