IIOJK Transformed into an Open-Air Detention Zone: APHC

IIOJK Transformed into an Open-Air Detention Zone: APHC

November 27, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has strongly condemned what it perceives as India’s illegal and unconstitutional transformation of the entire occupied Jammu and Kashmir into an open-air prison since August 5, 2019. In a recent statement issued in Srinagar, the APHC expressed grave concerns over the situation in the region, alleging that the BJP regime is employing its military and police forces to wage a war against the oppressed people of Kashmir, aiming to intimidate them into submission.

According to the APHC, the presence of hundreds of thousands of Indian troops in the territory has jeopardized the life, property, honor, and dignity of the Kashmiri people. The statement contends that the Indian government’s actions have resulted in the deprivation of fundamental rights for the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. The situation, as described by the APHC, paints a dire picture of the region where the normal lives of the people are severely affected.

Highlighting the continuous human rights violations perpetrated by the Indian troops over several decades, the APHC emphasized that the period since August 5, 2019, has witnessed a disturbing escalation in Indian state terrorism and atrocities in the territory. The statement serves as a poignant reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by the people of Kashmir, with a plea for urgent international attention.

In its appeal to the United Nations and other international bodies, the APHC urged them to hold India accountable for what it deems as brutalities in the occupied territory. The organization calls for international intervention to address human rights abuses and play a pivotal role in resolving the Kashmir dispute. The APHC contends that such intervention is crucial for ensuring permanent peace in South Asia, emphasizing the need for a diplomatic solution to bring stability to the region.

As tensions persist in the troubled region, the APHC’s call for accountability and international involvement underscores the urgency of the situation. The plea reflects a broader concern for human rights and stability in the disputed territory, emphasizing the need for a collaborative effort to address the root causes and work towards a lasting resolution for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.