IIOJ&K: APHC Calls for International Intervention in the Face of Indian State Terrorism

IIOJ&K: APHC Calls for International Intervention in the Face of Indian State Terrorism

December 6, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

In response to the escalating state-sponsored violence in occupied Jammu and Kashmir, the All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has vehemently condemned what it describes as Indian state terrorism. The APHC asserts that the longstanding Kashmir issue is inherently political, emphasizing the urgent need for a resolution that recognizes the Kashmiri people’s right to self-determination—a right guaranteed to them by the United Nations.

The APHC spokesperson, in a statement released in Srinagar, commended the unwavering resolve and indomitable spirit of the brave inhabitants of occupied Jammu and Kashmir in their pursuit of freedom. The spokesperson underscored the extraordinary sacrifices made by the Kashmiri people, asserting that their struggle has etched a remarkable chapter in the contemporary history of global freedom movements.

Expressing dismay at the dire circumstances faced by the oppressed Kashmiris, the spokesperson criticized the global community for its deafening silence. In a time when the very life, dignity, existence, culture, and identity of the Kashmiri people are in jeopardy, the spokesperson asserted that the world’s silence only compounds their suffering. The statement called upon individuals worldwide with a moral compass to raise their voices against the brutalities inflicted by the Indian authorities in Kashmir.

The APHC spokesperson reiterated the unwavering determination of the Kashmiri people to see their ongoing struggle for freedom through to its logical conclusion, regardless of the costs involved. Urging the United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, to take notice of the critical situation unfolding in occupied Kashmir, the spokesperson called for immediate measures to settle the Kashmir dispute in line with relevant UN resolutions.

The APHC’s statement underscores the organization’s commitment to framing the Kashmir issue as a political matter that requires an urgent political resolution. By invoking the right to self-determination guaranteed by the United Nations, the APHC positions the conflict within the framework of international law, seeking global attention and intervention.

The spokesperson’s emphasis on the sacrifices of the Kashmiri people serves to highlight the human cost of the conflict, portraying it as a struggle for fundamental rights rather than a regional dispute. The condemnation of the world’s silence amplifies the urgency of the situation, urging individuals with a conscience to speak out against what the APHC characterizes as Indian brutalities in Kashmir.

The call for the UN Secretary-General’s intervention reflects a strategic move by the APHC to internationalize the issue, appealing to the United Nations to play a proactive role in facilitating a resolution based on existing UN resolutions. Overall, the statement aims to mobilize global support for the Kashmiri cause while challenging the perceived indifference of the international community towards the plight of the Kashmiri people.