Human Rights Violations in IIOJK: A Call for International Action

Human Rights Violations in IIOJK: A Call for International Action

July 15, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

The Indian government’s draconian policies have led to severe human rights violations in Indian-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). Kashmiris face systemic discrimination, marginalization, and brutal suppression.

According to the reports the occupied territory is now the world’s largest militarized zone. Killings, torture, and arbitrary detentions have become common.

Since the revocation of IIOJK’s special status on August 5, 2019, the Modi regime has intensified its repressive tactics. These measures suppress legitimate aspirations for self-determination.

The unresolved Kashmir dispute, spanning decades, is directly linked to ongoing human rights violations. Global rights bodies like Amnesty International and the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders, as well as local groups like the Jammu and Kashmir Coalition of Civil Society (JKCCS), have documented numerous abuses.

These abuses include enforced disappearances, torture, and extrajudicial killings. “India’s militarization of IIOJK has created a culture of impunity,” said Parvez Imroz, Chairman of JKCCS. “Troops are free to commit atrocities with no fear of accountability.”

Imroz emphasized the need for the international community to take concrete steps to address this situation. Politicians worldwide have also spoken out against India’s actions in IIOJK. The global outcry underscores the urgent need for action to end these violations and ensure justice for the Kashmiri people.