Hindu Student’s blasphemous Act Condemned in IIOJK

Hindu Student’s blasphemous Act Condemned in IIOJK

November 29, 2023 Off By Sharp Media

In a recent incident at the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Srinagar, a Hindu student’s derogatory act against the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has been strongly condemned by the Muttahida Majlis-e-Ulama Jammu and Kashmir (MMU). The MMU, an umbrella organization of religious groups led by Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, expressed its deep concern, deeming such actions unacceptable and a direct affront to the reverence Muslims hold for the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

According to a statement released by the MMU, the honor and respect for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) are regarded by Muslims as more valuable than life itself. The organization asserted that blasphemous acts of this nature would not be tolerated in the occupied territory, and it urged authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the incident. The MMU insisted that all individuals found involved in the derogatory act should be held accountable for their actions.

The MMU’s demand for a comprehensive investigation underscores the seriousness with which the organization views this incident. The statement emphasizes the importance of understanding the circumstances that led to the disrespectful act and holding those responsible to account. The organization is keen on ensuring that such incidents are prevented in the future, urging authorities to take decisive action against any form of disrespect towards religious figures.

The religious umbrella body comprises various influential constituents, including the Muslim Personal Law Board of the Grand Mufti, Anjuman Auqaf Jamia Masjid Srinagar, and numerous other religious, milli, social, and educational organizations. The MMU’s call for accountability reflects the collective sentiment of these constituents, who hold the protection of religious sanctity as a top priority.

The MMU’s hope that authorities will take this incident seriously and implement measures to prevent future occurrences underscores the broader concern within the Muslim community regarding the need to safeguard religious sentiments. The organization’s proactive stance seeks not only justice for the current incident but also the assurance that steps will be taken to create an environment where such acts are deterred.

In a region marked by diverse religious communities, the incident serves as a testing point for interfaith relations. The condemnation by the MMU emphasizes the need for mutual respect and understanding among different religious groups. It sends a message that any form of disrespect towards religious figures is unacceptable, regardless of one’s faith.

As the investigation unfolds, the incident at NIT Srinagar has become more than a localized event—it has become a symbol of the delicate balance required in a region with a rich tapestry of religious and cultural diversity. The MMU’s call for accountability and preventive measures reflects the broader aspirations of a community that values religious harmony and mutual respect among its members.