A Vibrant Display of Solidarity with Kashmiris in Pakistan on February 5

A Vibrant Display of Solidarity with Kashmiris in Pakistan on February 5

February 6, 2024 Off By Sharp Media

In a resounding demonstration of solidarity, a lively rally unfolded in Islamabad on Kashmir Solidarity Day, symbolizing Pakistan’s unwavering support for the freedom of Kashmir. The event commenced at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and saw enthusiastic participation from various dignitaries, federal ministers, and citizens.

Led by Foreign Secretary Sairs Sajjad Qazi and spokesperson Muzammil Zahra Baloch, the streets echoed with patriotic tunes and impassioned chants, resonating the collective voice of the participants in support of Kashmir’s freedom and unity among its people. Notable figures such as Federal Ministers Murtaza Solangi, Jamal Shah, Aniq Ahmed, and Fawad Hassan Fawad joined the rally, along with a significant representation from the Foreign Office employees proudly waving the flags of both Pakistan and Azad Kashmir.

Even the younger generation from Pakistan Sweet Homes contributed their enthusiasm to the event, underscoring the broad spectrum of support for the Kashmir cause. A poignant moment of unity unfolded outside the Parliament House, marked by a minute of silence and the blaring of sirens in solidarity with the Kashmiri people.

Information Minister Murtaza Solangi addressed the gathering, reiterating Pakistan’s enduring commitment to the Kashmiri cause. He emphasized the resilience of the Kashmiri people in their quest for self-determination, recalling the historical context of the demand for self-determination in 1947 and the subsequent forceful annexation by India.

Solangi proclaimed, “Kashmir is not a graveyard; it is a symbol of resilience against Indian oppression. The struggle against forced annexation did not end in 1947; even in the face of the infamous 1987 rigged elections, Kashmiris raised their voices. This is the fourth generation facing the brutality of Indian oppression, and we stand united with them.

Mahmood Ahmed Saghar, the coordinator of the Free Jammu and Kashmir branch of the All Parties Hurriyat Conference, praised the resilience of Kashmiris despite facing immense challenges. Saghar expressed gratitude for the solidarity extended, acknowledging the sacrifices made, with over 300,000 lives lost in the pursuit of their cause.

In his closing remarks, Saghar sought to dispel the notion that Kashmiris stand alone in their struggle. He asserted, “We want to tell everyone that Kashmir is not alone in this struggle.” The rally, characterized by its vibrancy and diversity, aimed to reinforce the collective commitment to the Kashmir cause and emphasized the urgent need for addressing the longstanding issue on the global stage. As the world’s attention remains focused, the event served as a powerful reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by the Kashmiri people and the need for international support in their pursuit of justice and self-determination.